Journal of My Travels

by Chris Dwan

January 24th, 2001 - The Mystery Revealed

July 9th, 2001 - Oh, to be old and wise...

July 18th, 2001 - Untitled (from Biarritz)

July 23rd, 2001 - The circumnavigation of Spain

August 3rd, 2001 - If anyone cares...

August 10th, 2001 - mmm... patatas

August 29th, 2001 - Pope JP Deuce

September 14th, 2001 - Relevant Ramblings

October 10th, 2001 - The Chronicles

November 17th, 2001 - October/November Chronicles

December 7th, 2001 - Look Ma, I'm an International Felon

January 6th, 2002 - Snoggmanay

February 22nd, 2002 - Curling Gold!

April 1st, 2002 - The Reckonings

May 11th, 2002 - Happy Anniversary!

June 12th, 2002 - Maybe. But Maybe Not...

October 9th, 2002 - Adventures in Progress

November 14th, 2002 - I am a Camel Jockey

October 23rd, 2004 - I Can't Find a Toilet Bowl That Swirls!

October 26th, 2004 - Bump!

November 1st, 2004 - Mark Twain, Compulsive Liar

January 24th, 2005 - I save Middle Earth

Februrary 26th, 2005 - Hello Flipper!

April 6th, 2005 - 7-Legged Spiders

May 10th, 2005 - Flying Like A Bird with No Wings!

May 29th, 2005 - Dear Duane

June 12th, 2005 - The Big Three-Oh

June 23rd, 2005 - Carl Goes to a Good Home

August 8th, 2005 - Briefly Keeping You in the Loop

October 8th, 2005 - One Night In Bangkok

June 10th, 2006 - The Round Robin Party Story

June 16th, 2007 - The Round Robin Party Story Game